First and foremost

Małgorzata specializes in advising on and developing litigation strategies, as well as conducting complex and multithreaded civil and commercial litigations before common courts of all instances and the Supreme Court. She focuses on providing trial services to clients from the banking sector, particularly in cybersecurity disputes related to investments into investment funds and agency agreements concluded as part of banking outsourcing. She has extensive knowledge and experience in effective enforcement of claims from unreliable debtors (so-called actio pauliana), as well as in cases related to confirming the legal status of real estate, i.e. the compliance of its actual legal status with the land and mortgage register. Furthermore, Małgorzata represented clients in numerous proceedings concerning the execution of their rights arising from financial instruments, actions for damages (e.g. indemnities and compensations related to medical malpractice), and in class actions. She also advises on cases concerning the protection of personal rights, in which she represents both individuals and legal entities.

What’s more

Małgorzata has many years of professional experience. She has been a licensed advocate since 2010. She is a member of Warsaw Bar Association and a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. Prior to joining the Rö team in September 2020, she worked in one of Warsaw law firms.
