Mateusz advises on complex civil and commercial disputes. He is also experienced in labour law. Mateusz represents clients before common courts and arbitral tribunals. He has worked for clients from the infrastructure, energy, rail, telecommunications and FMCG industries. At Rö, Mateusz participates in handling transaction-related disputes (e.g. the settlement of costs of non-executed real estate acquisition transactions or the professional liability of transaction advisors). In addition, he represents clients in banking disputes, concerning mortgage loans indexed to CHF, as well as construction disputes (e.g. unjustified contractual penalties, unsubstantiated use of a guarantee by an investor, refusal to pay for additional works and costs of contract performance in an extended time) often of a cross-border nature. Mateusz also offers advice in matters concerning personal interest protection. He provides foreign insurance firms with advice on the management of claims in Poland and pursuing recourse claims. He recently successfully represented a group of Irish investors in the pursuit of a claim in Poland and the enforcement of a favourable judgment in Ireland. The case involved the abuse of the power of attorney and significant financial damage.
What’s more
Mateusz graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. He is a member of Warsaw Bar Association. Mateusz is also the author of numerous articles on trial issues published by, among others, Polski Proces Cywilny, Palestra, Przegląd Sądowniczy. Before joining the Rö team in 2019, he gained professional experience in one of the largest Polish law firms. His experience and expertise in banking and financial law earned him recognition from the legal community and an individual recommendation in the 20th edition of the Rzeczpospolita Ranking of Law Firms in this category.