KATARZYNA PETRUCZENKOManaging partner, Attorney-at-law
First and foremost

Katarzyna handles proceedings related to cross-border commercial disputes and advises on strategic infrastructure projects. She represents clients in institutional and ad hoc arbitration proceedings in Poland and abroad. Katarzyna has amassed experience that is unique in the Polish market in serving clients from the Far East (China, South Korea). As an advisor to foreign insurance firms, she has provided support related to the management of claims worth a total of more than PLN 1.5 bn. She represents Volkswagen AG in a precedent-setting class action brought against the company by users of cars with EA189 engines. Katarzyna advises an international corporation that specialises in innovative solutions for the medical, pharmaceutical and technological sectors on projects in Poland, including disputes concerning implementation of investments. She has recently concluded several significant cases with settlement agreements, including a dispute between the general contractor and the subcontractor of a complex road project. She also represents leading law firms and their insurers in professional liability disputes.

What’s more

Katarzyna is the author of numerous publications and articles, in Poland and abroad, on trial and arbitration issues, as well as reports on competition, bankruptcy and banking law. She is a member of the Litigation Committee at the International Bar Association (IBA). Before Rö was established, Katarzyna worked in one of Poland’s largest law firms, and earlier in a leading American firm. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Warsaw University and member of Warsaw Bar Association. The Legal 500 EMEA recommends Katarzyna every year in the dispute resolution category for her experience in cross-border commercial disputes. In the 20th edition of the Rzeczpospolita Ranking of Law Firms, she was recognised as leader in the area of Litigation.

