DOROTA WIŚNIEWSKA-JUSZCZAK, PhDConsulting psychologist
First and foremost

Psychologist in the RöCognition project. She specialises in the topics of power in relationships, the effects of exercising and being subjected to power, as well as in the topics of leadership and influence. She also works on the topics of collaboration, negotiation, conflict resolution and leadership building in organisations. She supports Rö’s legal team in the selection of arguments in pleadings, identifying the argumentative trajectory used by the opposing party. Recently, using her scientific knowledge of conflict resolution methods and analysing the other side’s perspective, she has helped to mediate and reach an amicable solution to a dispute worth several million PLN.

What’s more

She is a professor at the Institute of Social Psychology of the USWPS, as well as a trainer and consultant at Delta Training. As a certified coach and certified solution-focused therapy therapist, she supports the development of executives and middle managers. She popularises knowledge in social psychology on Polityka, Gazeta Wyborcza, Onet and WP portals. She is also the author of scientific publications in English and Polish in the field of social psychology, group functioning, team leadership and social capital of teams and organisations. She lectures at the SWPS University in Warsaw. She is the director of postgraduate Creative Leadership studies. She teaches how to manage teams effectively and creatively. She holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in Psychology from the SWPS University in Warsaw. She is also a graduate of the Postgraduate Studies in Coaching and Mentoring and the Course in Social and Political Psychology at Stanford University in California.
